Landing Eagle on a Tree Giant Bronze Statue – Size: 72″L x 36″W x 88″H.


A giant eagle made of bronzed metal landing on a tree. This extraordinary sculpture features a realistic tree trunk that supports the eagle in life-size detail. The eagle is shown with marvelous detail to the feathers, beaks and eyes each with a unique expression and pose. This very fine and unique abstract was casted using the ancient old Lost Wax Method with brown patina finish for preservation. Handmade using pure bronze. This impressive Bronze Statue will be a permanent fixture on the grounds of your estate for years to come. Size: 72″L x 36″W x 88″H. Weight is: 220Lb

Availability: 1 in stock

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SKU: LandingEagleonaTreeGiantBronz2326 Category: GTIN: 8609237222326
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